Sunday, January 23, 2011

20.01.11 Sky trekking day!

20.01.11 Sky trekking day! 
yup, for people that afraid of height like me definitely is a big day for me! 

After undergo the tutorial and training, I pretty confident that I could finish all the challenges. But after climbed all up to 14m ladder, with a damn tiring arms I felt wanted to give up. Yea, I know what you thinking now. I told myself I cant be that lousy, keep going girl!

Second challenge, net sky bridge, easy job for all of us. Then the third challenge and so on till the swing pipe challenge which I hated the most ( picture is attached below), I failed! I slipped and fall then hanging in the air. I had to wait for the people on the platform to rescue me. So damn embarrassed! Arrgh...>.< 

Even I wish I could disappeared at that moment, but I still have to continue my challenge because there is no way turning back. But seem that day was not my day, I hurt my fingers at the last third challenge. Maybe because my way to hold the puller were not correct, I cut my fingers at one of the flying fox challenge. I have no choice and have to quit the game from the chicken exit and I hate it! I dont wan to be chicken! But my fingers are bleeding and swollen, I feel the pain when I tried to bend them and there are 5 more challenges to go. I have no choice, I have to be chicken of the day. T.T but yet I have to fly to the next platform and climb down the ladder to get to the nearest chicken exit. 

After all that only I realized there are 3 challenges left after the chicken exit. 2 flying fox and one sky bridge challenges. Arrgh! I should finish the challenge! So, I'm thinking to go back there again after I build up my stamina. I MUST COMPLETE THE CHALLENGES!

on the bus which fetch us from the main entrance to the skytrex station

Here we are Skytrex Adventure!

1) Before start our training we have to get our own puller and carabiner
2) Make sure that the strips are tight enough
3) After everything done,we are prepared to go for the training

After approximate 15 minutes tutorial, we have to try it out to make sure we remember all the safety steps.

The first challenge, climb up 14m ladder.

Finally reach the top!

Second challenge, walk across the net bridge. Easy job ^^

Third challenge, the zig zag sky bridge, quit easy though.

Alright, I had mixed up the sequence of the challenges after the third challenge but in total we had 3 or 4 times flying fox and it is the best part of the whole sky trekking.

Here, we have to walk on the cable to the next platform. 

A smaller net sky bridge.

This is the toughest challenge among all! Hated it most!

Here some of us had created their own way to cross over XD.  We are suppose to swing the rope and jump over. 

The final challenge, net bridge again.

Of course group picture is a must.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

CNY mood finally reach Malaysia!!! 新年来咯!!!

由于我的英文写昨并不好, 所以我决定用我半桶水的华文来写。。

过去几个星期,很多人都在埋怨怎么新年都快到了还是一点儿气氛都没啊?一定是经计不好,所以大家都没心情过年叻。。我想说新年气氛在政府下禁令不准玩炮时已经都没啦!话说相当年,各街小巷放着煸炮,新年歌到处都可以听到是多么的热闹和开心。。我还记得我还兴奋到不能睡觉玩了一整夜的炮竹。不过,现在的小孩们哪有机会体验这一些。。现在得小孩只能在Shopping mall寻找所为的气氛。。 真悲哀啊!

偏偏shopping mall迟迟都不搞气氛,使大家都在怀疑新年是不是快到啦?一点也提不起劲来办年货嘛。。我左等右等终于等到啦! ^^ Midvalley 这次办了类似“小中国”的题才,有很多来自中国的朋友们在那表演,卖新年货,卖一些传统的小吃(Tik Tok糖)等。真的很热闹!你们一定要看看。。

Friday, January 14, 2011

讨厌 病魔 。不放气 。

这几天都忙着搞新年气氛。。跨年和华人新年。。每天都很快乐,但当我看到黑人的Post 悲痛魔手狠狠地把我从天堂拉到了地狱!

DORA 是我们熟悉,Love Life 里的小朋友。她在我们快乐准备一切时,忍受着无可想像的痛苦。。我知道言语上并不能为她做些什么,只能为她祷告让疼痛远离她。。。


Alrite, like others I took some time to design my blog. At first, I'm thinking to have a very own animated blog here since I'm a graphic designer.. BUT after I done my header at 2.26 am, I told myself:" Just leave it lar, better go to sleep first..." hahhahhaaha Yes, I admit I'm not the kind of determine person. So, this is how my blog looks like after 3 hour hard work.

Why now only I started to write blog even Blogger are so popular like century ago? word, LAZY! Yea..everyday update definitely will kill me! But after saw my cousin have alot of fun here, sharing her experience and what she saw..I decieded give a try here.. By the way, check out my cousin blog  She wanna be a professional blogger, pls support her!

Are you spotting at my grammar mistake? Hey I'm typical Malaysian, what you expect? ^^ Malaysia is famous with it's multi culture and Malaysian is speaking multi languages. I can speak Mandarin, English, Malay, Hakka, Hokkien and Cantonese. Just.......... not up to standard only..^^ too bad!